
The latest opinion pieces by industry thought leaders

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    How college leaders can articulate higher education’s ROI — beyond earnings

    Officials can point to several personal and societal benefits imparted by a college degree, argues one former university president. 

    Lori Varlotta • Oct. 22, 2024
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    U.S. News & World Report’s college rankings should do away with peer assessment

    The rankings rely too heavily on feedback from leaders at peer institutions, one administrator argues.

    Sonia Cardenas • Oct. 14, 2024
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    For too many learners, working while in college is a barrier to career growth

    Many on-campus jobs offer little career development, but these opportunities can be reimagined to align with students’ professional goals, one expert says. 

    Jane Swift • Aug. 29, 2024
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    Admissions shouldn’t be about the tests anymore

    The test-optional movement could pave the way for stronger admissions and student success policies, one administrator argues. 

    Emily Rawers • June 24, 2024
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    Liberal arts colleges must embed career services throughout campus life

    Colleges should strive to teach students both how to think and to be career-ready when they graduate, the leader of Denison University argues. 

    Adam Weinberg • May 28, 2024
  • Protesters at Columbia University lock arms to block entry to Hamilton Hall.
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    Colleges need free expression reform — not damage control

    Restoring public trust in higher education will require more than public relations and crisis management strategies, argues a Bipartisan Policy Center official. 

    Matthew Kuchem • May 13, 2024
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    Gen Z is attending college online — and their parents are joining them. Here’s how to help.

    Colleges can encourage parental support while still maintaining boundaries, says a student success expert at Penn State World Campus.

    Dawn Coder • March 25, 2024
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    How universities can prepare graduates for an AI-driven world

    Colleges should focus on teaching the life skills that will outlast inevitable technological changes, the president of High Point University contends.

    Nido Qubein • March 11, 2024
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    Colleges need a deliberate online strategy to better serve first-generation students

    Higher education leaders won’t meet the moment if their virtual courses merely replicate face-to-face learning, Western Governors University’s leader says. 

    Scott Pulsipher • Feb. 5, 2024
  • This is the silhouette of two college graduates in cap and gown climbing up a set of steps. This shot is backlit with bright morning sunshine in the background.
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    Higher education’s accomplishments you may have missed in 2023

    Two leaders in the higher ed industry kick off the new year by rounding up 24 wins "for which the sector can be justly proud.”

    Eileen Strempel and Stephen Handel • Jan. 31, 2024
  • Two students walk down a staircase inside a campus building while another group students gather in the corridor.
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    Policymakers must strengthen — not dismantle — the college accreditation system

    Recent attacks on accreditation pose a dire threat to students and the nation’s postsecondary institutions.

    Madison Weiss • Dec. 22, 2023
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    Colleges that can’t survive owe their employees dignified closures

    The library director of a small Pennsylvania college lays out what leaders should consider when their institutions are struggling to stay open.

    Mari Flynn • Dec. 11, 2023
  • A crowd photo of students carrying protest signs and the Palestine flag. One prominent sign reads "Jews say ceasefire now!"
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    How campuses can protect free speech and student safety amid the Israel-Hamas war

    Administrators can take steps to embrace free expression and delineate between speech and violence, two PEN America staff members say.

    Kristen Shahverdian and Sam LaFrance • Nov. 21, 2023
  • College students climb up the stairs to a campus building.
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    President Speaks: Colleges need an overhaul to meet the future head on

    Higher education faces an existential threat from forces like rapidly changing technology and generational shifts, one university leader argues. 

    Beth Martin • Oct. 30, 2023
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    The Supreme Court is poised to drop another DEI shoe next year

    Another case pending before the high court may further restrict what employers can lawfully do to increase diversity. 

    Jonathan A. Segal and Adam D. Brown • Oct. 25, 2023
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    Revamping incoming students’ experience can help them academically and socially

    A Worcester Polytechnic Institute official shares why the university recently updated its orientation, advising and physical education requirement. 

    Paul Reilly • Oct. 23, 2023
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    Colleges can take steps to address the affordable housing crisis

    From contributing underutilized land to tapping government support, institutions can help alleviate the problem — and get a return on their investment. 

    Eric Maribojoc • Oct. 16, 2023
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    Top-ranked colleges must be proactive to foster campus diversity

    Here are the steps higher education officials should take to mitigate the fallout from the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling against race-conscious admissions.

    Mauriell Amechi • Oct. 2, 2023
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    Colleges are ditching the SAT. The high school transcript should be next.

    Next generation credentials are a compentency-based alternative to transcripts that allow colleges to make better admissions decisions. 

    Laurie Gagnon • Sept. 12, 2023
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    President Speaks: With DEI under siege, independent colleges must advance conversations on diversity

    Private institutions must step up as politicians attempt to muzzle public colleges on issues of diversity and race, Saybrook University’s leader argues. 

    Nathan Long • Aug. 7, 2023
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    President Speaks: Lessons about bold women leadership from a college president

    Deanne D'Emilio, who helms Gwynedd Mercy University, discusses how she carries on the private college's legacy of women leaders. 

    Deanne D’Emilio • July 24, 2023
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    Here are ways professional education leaders can prepare students for the rise of AI

    Institutions must adapt their curricula to incorporate artificial intelligence-related topics, the dean of William & Mary Law School argues.

    A. Benjamin Spencer • July 17, 2023
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    How federal workforce programs can leave some students without credentials

    Federal law merely suggests that training providers confer a credential, but they are not required to do so, denying some participants an economic edge.   

    Christopher Mullin • July 10, 2023
  • Four college students walk up the steps to a building entrance.
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    Academic freedom is a core American value. We must defend it.

    Assaults on free expression threaten to stifle intellectual life on campus, argues the president of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities.

    Mildred García • July 5, 2023
  • President Speaks: The case for being optimistic about higher education’s future

    Andrew Hsu, leader of the College of Charleston, explains why he remains positive even as colleges face an existential crisis. 

    Andrew Hsu • June 26, 2023